Sarah is a talented dancer and known for her versatility and passion for the arts. In addition to her dance skills, she is also a gifted musician, playing the flute, keyboard, drums, and partakes in choir. She is a straight-A student studying drama as one of her elective subjects. Outside of academics and the arts, Sarah enjoys a range of hobbies. She loves swimming, reading, and spending time at the beach. Music is a constant companion in her life, with a special fondness for '80s tunes and her love for musicals. Her remarkable ability to memorize song lyrics quickly makes her a valuable asset in any "Name That Tune" team. Sarah is a proud hockey and basketball player and enjoys ice skating, rock climbing, or baking—especially if chocolate is involved.
14 to 16
Ballet, Drumming, Ice Skating, Piano, Singing, Waterpolo, Cycling, Running, Hockey, Horse Riding, Stand Up Paddle Boarding,